
2012年3月12日 星期一

要保持好奇,並且要期待奇蹟(Be curious and expect miracles)--Hathor學長說的

昨天日本311大地震滿一周年,剛好讀到Hathor學長開示的訊息,Jimmy's papa摘錄其中幾段句子自勉

You may have stories to explain why suddenly your life is bereft, but these are just stories. You may blame other persons, situations, or institutions for your problem, but this is misplaced responsibility. Your stories may be true and there may be other persons , situations or institutions to blame, but when you have entered a transition state of consciousness, you are at the central vortex of a powerful creative process. There is no reason or need to cry over “spilt milk” as one of your folk sayings goes . What is lost is lost. What is gone is gone.

The central feature that needs to be identified in the midst of chaos, any form of chaos, is the portal of opportunity .
Be curious and expect miracles.
By entering a state of curiosity you engage an aspect of your mind that is free to move unfettered by expectation. It becomes very much like the mind of a child, and it is this innocence—which is not the same as childishness—that allows you to enter a vibratory state of consciousness, which greatly benefits you.

By holding the expectation of miracles you release the power of creation within you, and to the extent that you accomplish this you will find increasing incidences of serendipity, coincidences of benefit and unexpected treasures, whether they be physical in nature or mental and emotional.

This combination of curiosity about what will happen next joined with an expectation of miracles will move you rapidly from the void point to a new life, a new creation, regardless of what might be happening for those around you.



